
Features season 0.4
- bisa milih 2 database bermain dengan ISL atau 1.Bundesliga
- penambahan liga Npower championship (D2 liga Inggris – liga lainnya segera menyusul)
- Kit Liga npower sudah fix (perbaikan kit liga lainnya segera menyusul)
- transfer update sampai dengan 1 Januari 2011
- tidak ada lagi fake player name & duplicated players
- ML Sponsor liga Indonesia & liga Internasional
- penambahan scoreboard baru
- penambahan boots pack HD baru – kompatibel dengan DLC 2.0
- penambahan bola baru Asian Cup & ACL
- perbaikan face beberapa pemain timnas Indonesia
- penambahan gameplay KOMU 1.30 – kompatibel dengan KONAMI patch 1.03
- Kitserver 1.10 dengan LOD mixer
Download Season 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4 :








!!! PENTING !!!
1. Install dulu season 0.2 & season 0.3
2. Matikan antivirus sebelum menginstall (kami jamin tidak menyertakan virus di dalam installer)
3. Untuk Win7 jalankan program sebagai administrator (klik kanan Run as Administrtor)
4. Jangan tutup installer sebelum ada pesan bahwa G1SL berhasil diinstall!
5. Jalankan game dari G1SL launcher (shortcut di dekstop)
6. Kalau launcher tidak mau jalan, copas semua file library ke C:\windows\system32, kalau belum bisa juga, ekstrak & copy kan file ini (library launcher G1SL2011) ke folder installasi PES 2011.
7. Kalau launcher muncul pesan error mengenai ocx, silahkan download OCX Files lalu copy ke c:\windows\system32 (32 bit) atau c:\windows\sysWOW64 (64 bit)
8. Jawaban dari pertanyaan anda mungkin sudah ada kalau anda pencet tombol merah disini
season 0.3 hanya bisa jalan
kalo udah install season 0.2 di komputer!!
kalo mau install 0.3, yang season 0.2
jangan di uninstall!!
!!Install dulu season 0.2 & 0.3 kalo mau maen season 0.4!!
urutan instalasi 0.2 >> 0.3 >> 0.4
Kami sarankan anda memulai ML & BAL baru,
karena banyaknya perubahan database pemain di season 0.4
Features season 0.3
- Kompatibel dengan KONAMI exe 1.03 & DLC 2.0 (ga perlu download lagi, sudah disertakan di dalem patch)
- Callnames semua pemain Timnas Indonesia
- Face baru buat pemain Timnas Indonesia
- 18 team Liga Ti-Phone dengan kit yang mudah2an betul Very Happy
- Tim liga Ti.Phone berdasarkan Polling tim Divisi Utama yang dipilih oleh Balarupa
- Perbaikan Line-up timnas Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapura & Thailand
- Perbaikan face pemain Timnas Malaysia
- Bisa milih kit wasit (dari selector)
- 30 bola yang disesuaikan dengan liga
- Wallpaper dengan tema Indonesia[/spoiler]
Features yang ditambahkan di season sebelumnya:
Features season 0.2.1
- mengatur speeder dari G1SL launcher
- penambahan tim filipin, myanmar & laos
- perbaikan crash di ML & BAL
- penambahan call-names (arif suyono, irfan bachdim, c. gonzales & firman utina)
- perbaikan nama pemain legenda
Features season 0.2
- bisa milih bermain menggunakan Konami default 1.02 gameplay atau Komu 1.08 gameplay
- Kit semua team ISL sudah jadi (hanya tinggal font & number yang belon sesuai)
- Kit liga inggris, itali, spanyol & timnas fix
- Skuat Timnas Indonesia fix
- Chant Timnas Indonesia
- penambahan beberapa face pemain ISL
- BAL timnas Indonesia fix (perbaikan masalah pertandingan Indonesia yang tidak ditampilkan)
- penambahan 60 sepatu
- penambahan adboard
- penambahan ballpack
- bisa memilih stasiun tv yang mau ditampilkan
- nambahin vietnam, malaysia & singapura
- nambahin kit ke tiga timnas itu
- setting ulang locator, bendera & logo timnas
- timnas vietnam & thailand perlu diliat lagi susunan pemainnya, belum dapet info lengkapnya
- setting formasi timnas Indonesia berdasarkan pertandingan vs malaysia
- ngeluarin pemain timnas nova arianto, slamet riyadi & dendi santoso.
- masukin yesayas desnam & zulkifli syukur. + mahadirga lasut (sebenernya pemain ini masuk daftar tunggu, tapi karena di PES kuotanya harus 23 sementara AFF kuotanya hanya 22 jadinya ikut dimasukin)
- setting ulang no punggung timnas indonesia
Features season 0.1
- karya terbaik dari para patcher PES dari Indonesia
- Instalasi mudah dengan G1SL2011 installer
- File exe, G10f.img & save folder terpisah
- bisa make barengan dengan patch lain tanpa saling mengganggu
- maen BAL dengan kewarganegaraan Indonesia
- Skuat Timnas Indonesia Piala AFF2011
- Skuat klub ISL musim 2010-2011
- relink muka & rambut beberapa pemain Indonesia
- Yellowspot locator yang menunjukkan posisi kota klub ISL dengan tepat
- Kit timnas Indonesia 2010-2012
- tombol Playstation ngegantiin tombol x-box
- player stats masih default KONAMI
- ISL player stats konversi dari FM2011
- guru & arya di forum gururupa1ndonesia :
aLpHoekHat, andi_qanue, Anri Januar, Ayiep, bakero_133, Billy.D04nk5, Cahyakalbu, da_cott, Des!m@l, Dolphin™, Feirha, hafizgnx, jablay07, khartanto, kuarif, laskar kuda jingkrak, Manusia Milenium, meowismynickname, metay, museblackhole, nafra, nanda_abiz, pcsixer, penze, permana86, porskyvic, R13Z, raito_kun, R4m130, redsic85, rendrasatria, ujangendut, VALKYRI, xocang, yrdnariv
- balarupa di forum gururupa1ndonesia :
Aba jr, june_dawn, chochoholic, Fer1e_jstar, Junior Iqfar, ryanichiro, kidstronger, boongasz, ryu_ryu, yudho12, Ardhy Child, Dhimaz_354, titoe21_idiotclub, aliep, Robinson22
- patch maker & editing tools develepor
Juce, Robbie, Stelios, w!Ld@, obocaman, barcafan, Tottimas, Obocaman, Skunk, goldorakiller, barcafan, MxSoniC, EPT, WECN, boca, ovit, starvin, Txak, mido_nasrat, Hawke, DeFade, kizadorcol, PATe, Simcut, -RKO-, Asiat, klashman69, boonaun, arquero7171, yair12, komunitta, astrace77, youniss, mstar, Inas, Mode888, oesukinsyn, Müller Bento, christopher91, pijan08, khangpro281292, khanhnd0709h, Mr.Tititu92
Season 0.4 Features :
- Can choose two databases play with ISL or 1.Bundesliga
- Added the league championship Npower (D2 league – other leagues will follow soon)
- Kit League npower have fix (repair kit other leagues to follow soon)
- Transfer update until January 1, 2011
- No longer fake player name & duplicated players
- ML Sponsor league Indonesia & International leagues
- Added a new scoreboard
- Addition of new HD boots pack – compatible with DLC 2.0
- Added new ball Asian Cup & ACL
- Improvement of Indonesia face several national team players
- Additional gameplay communi 1:30 – 1:03 is compatible with Konami patch
- Kitserver 1:10 with LOD mixer
1. Install first season Season 0.2 & 0.3
2. Turn off antivirus software before installing (we promise not to include the virus in the installer)
3. Win7 to run the program as administrator (right click Run as Administrtor)
4. Do not close the installer before any message that G1SL successfully installed!
5. Run the game from G1SL launcher (shortcut on desktop)
6. If the launcher does not want the road, Copy all library files to C: \ windows \ system32, if not it could be, extracted & copied this file (library G1SL2011 launcher) to the installation folder of PES 2011.
7. If the launcher the error message about the ocx, OCX Files please download and copy to c: \ windows \ system32 (32 bit) or c: \ windows \ SysWOW64 (64 bit)
8. The answer to your question may already exist if you push the red button here
Season 0.3 can only run
if already installed on your computer Season 0.2!
if want to install 0.3, a 0.2 season
Do not uninstall!
! First season Install 0.2 & 0.3 if want to play season 0.4!
installation sequence 0.2>> 0.3>> 0.4
We suggest you start a new ML & BAL,
because of the many changes in the player database in season 0.4
Season Features 0.3
- Compatible with 1:03 & DLC Konami exe 2.0 (no need to download again, have been included in dalem patch)
- Callnames all Indonesian national team players
- Face new for Indonesia national team players
- 18 team league Ti-Phone with a kit that really mudah2an Very Happy
- Team league based Ti.Phone Polls Main Division team selected by Balarupa
- Improved Line-up squad Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore & Thailand
- Improvement of national team players face Malaysia
- Can choose kit referee (of selector)
- 30 balls, adjusted for the league
- Wallpaper to theme of Indonesia [/ spoiler]
Features are added in the previous season:
Season Features 0.2.1
- Set the speeder from G1SL launcher
- Added team Philippines, Myanmar and Laos
- Fixes crash in ML & BAL
- Added call-names (Arif Suyono, irfan bachdim, c. Gonzales & Firman Utina)
- Fixes a legend player
Season Features 0.2
- Can choose to play using the default Konami Communication 1:02 or 1:08 gameplay gameplay
- Kit all ready-made team ISL (fonts & numbers only appropriate that belon)
- Kit English league, italy, spain & Caps fix
- Indonesian national team squad fix
- Indonesia National Team Chant
- Added some players face ISL
- BAL Indonesian national team fix (fixes a problem that does not match displayed Indonesia)
- Additional 60 shoes
- Added adboard
- Added ballpack
- Can choose the tv station that will be displayed
- Nambahin vietnam, malaysia & singapore
- Nambahin kit to the team’s three
- Resetting locator, flag & logo Caps
- Caps vietnam & thailand need anymore diliat composition players, not to get the full info
- Setting the Indonesian national team formation based on the game vs malaysia
- Ngeluarin Arianto nova national team players, Slamet Riyadi & dendi santoso.
- Enter yesayas desnam & Zulkifli gratitude. + Mahadirga Lasut (actually these players enter the waiting list, but since the PES quota should be 23 while AFF its quota only 22 would come inserted)
- No backs national team resetting Indonesia
Season Features 0.1
- The best work of the PES from Indonesia patcher
- Easy installation with the installer G1SL2011
- Exe file, a separate folder G10f.img & save
- Can make unison with another patch without disturbing each other
- Maen BAL with Indonesian citizenship
- Indonesia National Team Cup squad AFF2011
- Squad ISL clubs 2010-2011 season
- Relink face & hair of some Indonesian players
- Yellowspot locator indicating the position of city clubs with proper ISL
- Kit Indonesian national team 2010-2012
- Playstation button ngegantiin x-box button
- Player stats are still the default Konami
- ISL player stats from FM2011 conversion
- Konami
- Teachers & arya in forums gururupa1ndonesia:
aLpHoekHat, andi_qanue, Anri Januar, Ayiep, bakero_133, Billy.D04nk5, Cahyakalbu, da_cott, Des! m @ l, the Dolphin ™, Feirha, hafizgnx, jablay07, khartanto, kuarif, paramilitary troops Prancing Horse, Millennium Man, meowismynickname, metay, museblackhole , nafra, nanda_abiz, pcsixer, penze, permana86, porskyvic, R13Z, raito_kun, R4m130, redsic85, rendrasatria, ujangendut, VALKYRI, xocang, yrdnariv
- Balarupa in forums gururupa1ndonesia:
Aba jr, june_dawn, chochoholic, Fer1e_jstar, Junior Iqfar, ryanichiro, kidstronger, boongasz, ryu_ryu, yudho12, Ardhy Child, Dhimaz_354, titoe21_idiotclub, aliep, Robinson22
- Patch maker & editing tools develepor
Juce, Robbie, Stelios, W! Ld @, obocaman, barcafan, Tottimas, Obocaman, Skunk, goldorakiller, barcafan, MxSoniC, EPT, WECN, Boca, ovit, starvin, Txak, mido_nasrat, Hawke, DeFade, kizadorcol, pate, Simcut ,-RKO-, Asiat, klashman69, boonaun, arquero7171, yair12, komunitta, astrace77, youniss, mstar, Inas, Mode888, oesukinsyn, Müller Bento, christopher91, pijan08, khangpro281292, khanhnd0709h, Mr.Tititu92
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